July Marmalade Birthday is a really, really cute short story. Plotwise, it's a typical shoujo romance, with moments of miscommunication between the spunky tomboy and the standoffish love interest. What sets it apart, though, is the sparkling dialogue and the wonderful characterization. It's a really fun read.

We begin on Miina's sixteenth birthday, and she's all psyched about growing up. Remembering old promises, she ties on a headband. It had been part of a set with a wristband that she'd also wanted, but her childhood friend Amari had acquired it instead.

Speaking of Amari... he doesn't seem to remember her birthday or even care, much less notice the headband that she'd pointedly worn that day. Needless to say, this is quite frustrating for Miina. On top of that, Miina finds an anonymous gift of marmalade in her locker.

Her friend Yayoi-chan speculates that it's from a secret admirer, and it seems that the handsome Tsukamoto-senpai is a likely suspect. But Miina doesn't want any admirer but Amari... who, annoyingly, seems quite happy to be let alone to flirt with other girls and concentrate on his tennis game...

My favorite parts of the story are the tart exchanges between Miina and Amari. Miina has quite a mouth on her, insolent and pushy - but her words bely the underlying nervousness and longing that her brash exterior can't quite hide. Amari is perfect at hiding his feelings when he's talking to her, verbally fencing with her with contemptuous ease - but his actions tell the real story.

If you want to read the story in its entirety, I suggest the excellent translation at Alex Glover's The Manga of Takeuchi Naoko. You can find this story in the "Miss Rain" section.